Anti-Drug Message Hits the Hot Spots of Rome

On Saturday nights the youth of Rome crowd into the city’s hot spots, Via di Monte, the Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere and the Campo dei Fiori. With the fun of the nightlife, however, comes the exposure and pressure to take illicit drugs.
For this reason, volunteers from the Rome chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World made it a point to spend this Saturday night “hanging out” at all the popular venues—but not to club hop. Packing hundreds of copies of The Truth About Drugs booklets to pass out, the volunteers aimed not to stop youth from having a good time, but to raise their awareness of how drug use and abuse rob one of the real joys of life. The booklets clearly illustrate that once one is in the throes of addiction, the party is definitely over.
A major part of the Foundation’s international campaign, the booklets are designed to speak to youth in terms they can understand, providing them with the plain facts—without hype or opinion—so they can make informed decisions about drugs.
Over the course of the evening, the Foundation members distributed some 1,500 copies of The Truth About Drugs booklets to Rome’s youth.